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For Authors

Bonfire Books is an independent publisher. We welcome author involvement at every stage of production. Our team edits, typesets, formats and proofreads completed manuscripts and we work with both authors and illustrators to produce original cover designs. We launch and promote our newly published works. 

Submission guidelines (General)


General submission guidelines: Bonfire Books welcomes submissions of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and children’s books, as well as original translations into English. Please send your complete manuscript (pdf or docx) and a short synopsis to info(at) with “Submission-YOUR SURNAME” as the email subject.

For Fiction and Non-fiction our minimum word count is 12,000 with no maximum. We are open to literary fiction, historical fiction, short stories, memoir, essays, history, literary or cultural criticism and hybrid genres. Non-fiction with a particularly Australian focus will be looked upon favourably.

For Poetry our minimum length is forty pages. Poetry submissions must be sent in pdf to preserve formatting. We appreciate both traditional and modern styles and value music and rhythm.

For Children’s Books please include a sample of artwork as well as the complete text.

In addition, please provide a cover letter with a brief note about yourself and, if applicable, a list of previously published works in book form or in periodicals. Previous publication is not necessary to be considered. Pseudonymous authors welcome.

Successful authors will be contacted within three months.

We look forward to reading your work.


We are accepting pitches for the Bonfire Monograph series. The Bonfire Monograph series is an occasional series of stand-alone essays on literary and artistic figures, literary culture and philosophy. Finished essays should be between 8,000-15,000 words and have an appreciative tone tempered with discernment. Reappraisals of established or canonical figures (writers, artists or musicians) are welcome as well as assessments of living figures who have yet to attract substantial scholarly attention. Issues to explore could include (but are certainly not limited to): problems facing Australian writers, intersections of Christianity and culture, the place of politics in art or “stuck culture”. While our focus is Antipodean there is scope for breadth. Pitches should include estimated word count, why you are enthusiastic about your topic and your publishing record (if applicable).

Email pitches to info(at) with MONOGRAPH in the subject line.